Sharing Your Faith & Evangelizing

* We have the opportunity and privilege of bringing God’s love to LIFE through sharing HOW God is an active force in our life.  
* It is ESSENTIAL that mentors SHARE THEIR FAITH every single time you meet with your Trio and for parents to share their faith with their children!  
* Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your awareness and words so you are able to recognize God working in your life and find concise words to share it (in 2-4 minutes).  
* Have the courage to be vulnerable (sharing a struggle or challenge) in appropriate ways.

Faith Sharing Formula:

1. I experienced a challenge or difficulty when…
2. I realized I needed help; share how you opened your heart through prayer or asking another person to help you.
3. Connect how the God the Father/Jesus/Holy Spirit worked through what helped you in order for you to heal/grow.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect.
1 Peter 3:15

Share HOW you pray and the impact it has on you!  
Talk about your EXPERIENCE at Mass or with Reconciliation or serving someone and the way you were changed or inspired.
Ask each teen: “How would you like me to pray for you?”

Evangelizing: Sharing the Gospel Message

Evangelizing is intentionally weaving the exciting Good News into conversations and deliberately inviting teens to personally choose to follow Jesus.  Evangelizing involves:
     1. Message (in their language)
     2. Invitation (to take it personally and RESPOND)

How to Share the GOSPEL MESSAGE

G—God created us to be with Him (He loves us unconditionally)
O—Our sins separate us from Him
S—Sins cannot be removed by good deeds
P—Paying the price for our sins, Jesus died for us
E—Everyone who believes in and trusts in Jesus shares God’s Divine Life
L—Life with God starts now and lasts for all eternity!
Ask them to respond:
Does that make sense?  
Have you intentionally opened your heart to Jesus? (This is something we need to do each day to grow in faith and trust).  
Is there anything holding you back from developing and deepening a personal friendship with Jesus?

Sharing Your Story

Make sure you share how you went from not being close to Jesus to having a personal connection to him.  
What event or relationship helped you open your heart to Jesus?
What impact did it have on you and your life?

Our conversion story might be grand and life changing (like Paul in the New Testament).  Or, it might be a series of little conversions that slowly helped you form a close relationship with Jesus.  Ultimately, God continues to draw us to him and help us to love him FIRST and MOST!  
What does it look like to have Jesus as the CENTER of our life???  Many of us have a long way to go!  Thankfully, God’s not done with us yet!!!

A Conversational way to share the Gospel message:

God loves you!  He’s crazy about you!  He created you & knows you better than anyone!
God love you just the way you are.  Even though we have made bad choices and turned away from God through sinning... God doesn’t love you any less because of what you’ve done!
But sin separates us from God
Jesus came to earth to sacrifice himself and die on the cross to pay the price for our sins.
He didn’t have to do it; he was innocent and NEVER sinned.  But he CHOOSE to suffer so we could be forgiven of our sins and brought back to God.
IF we choose to believe in Jesus and live for Jesus, we will experience the joy of his friendship on earth and for eternity in Heaven!
What I’m saying is TRUTH.  And it’s TRUE for YOU.  God wants YOU to open YOUR heart to Him a little more today.  Does that make sense?
Tell me more about how you see Jesus or where He is in your life.